Weekly, monthly, quarterly and annually…….there is always a networking event for you!
Member Networking
- Getting out and making connections with your colleagues to increase your business.
- Connecting with members, sharing information to strengthen your contact base and web of influence.
- Learn what other businesses know and how they have solved their business challenges.
Every event hosted by the Chamber has a networking component.Examples include:
·BUSINESS at LUNCH Quarterly lunch networking meeting
·LEADS 4 LUNCH Second Wednesdays 11:30 am
·ANNUAL GALA Board Installation, Small Bisness Person of the Year, Lifetime Achievemnt Award
·BIZ BUZZ-REGIONAL SPEED NETWORKING co-sponsored with other Chambers for greater exposure
·REGIONAL BIZ EXPO Annually hosted by the Dania Beach Chamber includes businesses from South Broward
Some network to sell, some network to prospect, some network to socialize; all are great reasons to network with members of the Chamber. Being involved as a member of the Greater Dania Beach Chamber of Commerce, is the best way to make connections for your business or organization – whether it is passing out cards to introduce your business or connecting with individuals to improve your circle of influence, this is the place to be! If you are not already a Chamber member, why don’t you join today!
The Chamber offers many monthly events so chamber members and their guests can connect with each other on a regular basis. We encourage members to bring business cards to pass out and to collect. It's a great way to meet your competition and your peers. It's an opportunity for facilities folks to find facilities folks and H.R. directors to find other H.R. directors. We request that members RSVP for all events so that a badge with your name, business title and company name will be ready for you when you arrive.
We like to think that our networking events are better than a leads groups because these programs are open to ALL Chamber members with NO restrictions. Whether you are selling, prospecting or networking, you and your business will prosper from your participation at Chamber events.
After Hours Networking
After Hours Networking is a monthly program hosted by our members at their own location. It gives the member an opportunity to showcase what they do and to 'show off' their business. Tours are often offered. Our After Hours Networking runs from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. with food and beverages provided by the host Chamber member. A brief program is held at approximately 6:30 p.m. to introduce and recognize new Chamber members, Board members, Chamber Host Members, elected officials and key city staff. The host has an opportunity as well to introduce their staff and products or services. A raffle follows the program.
Leads 4 Lunch (L4L) Leads 4 Lunch
Leads 4 Lunch (L4L) Leads 4 Lunch is a referral group held on the Second and Forth Wednesdays is intended to be an additional resource for the Greater Dania Beach Chamber of Commerce members and prospective members. Leads 4 Lunch’s goal is to organize a professional referral group, get to know each member and their product or service and support each other with referrals. All are welcome to attend.
Second Wednesdays 11:30 am
Come for Lunch, Leave with Leads.